How to Get a Higher Commission Rate
When you have a store on FlippedNormals, you can earn 95% of each sale by marketing and selling directly to your customers. It's as easy as copying and sharing your unique direct sale link. Here's how it works:
- If you want to market your storefront, copy the Direct Sales link from your Store Settings in your dashboard.
- If you want to market a specific product, copy the Direct Sales link from your Manage Products page in your dashboard.
- Share the link anywhere on the internet.
- When a customer clicks one of your link and purchases any of your products within the next 30 days, you get 95% of the sale.
Remember that you can share an unlimited number of links and combine it with our other marketing tools such as Storewide Sales and Sales Campaigns to earn even more.
Sell on FlippedNormals
Apply to open a store today and take advantage of all our features and Creator advantages. Click here